Be the Love
Yes, there is pain, aggression, and war in the world. What can you do about it? Gandhi said to “be the change” you want to see.
Tired of all those red lights? Start green lighting your future!
Is there something in your life now that you wish you could change? Try this experiment to learn how to "green light" your future.
Take a LEAP to Heal Your Loved Ones Now
Don’t you wish you could heal people with your touch? If you are a parent, you know how helpless you can feel when your child gets a “boo-boo” or “owie.” Skinned knee? Bumped head? Or worse? I propose that you can heal your loved ones with focused universal energy and YOU will understand how by the end of this …
You Are Precious, and Here’s the Proof!
Do you ever find yourself wondering why you were born? Do you think you are a part of God’s plan? No matter what religion you practice (if any), or whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, you may find the answer in the following story. A Can of Soup It was another dark, grey, pandemic day. Feeling relieved to …
Are You Tired of Being Broke?
Stop the Cycle with These Tips Are you tired of being broke? Trust me, I’ve been there. A dime. I had a single, lonely dime in my paint-stained hand as I walked through the noise and chaos of the local Junior High cafeteria. I was a part-time art teacher, barely supporting myself and an alcoholic spendthrift mate. What would …
Are You Annoyed or Frustrated?: Use Meditation to Change the Brain
Dr. Wayne Dyer once famously wrote, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” This idea sounds lovely, but did you ever wonder, “How do I do that? How do I change the way I look at someone who’s pushing my buttons? Will this change anything?” Are you annoyed or frustrated? Do you …
Two Steps To Heal the Nation
Like millions of patriotic citizens, I have been transfixed over the last few weeks as I have seen the division in our country escalating to almost impossible levels. I wonder, “How can I help my country heal?” Do you think about that also? Do you think it is possible? Impossible? Can one person make a difference? I think …
Does Fear Make Us Act Foolish?
Do you ever notice that when people are fearful, even reasonably intelligent people don’t think clearly? Maybe even do completely nonsensical things? I confess that this short story puts me in that category. Has that ever happened to you? Was your problem created as a direct result of your fear? Fear itself has a biochemical effect on the body, …
The Journey to Christ: A Christmas Story
The Journey to Christ: A Christmas Story, Chapter 1 WHOOSH! “Wow, what was that?” The father yelled as he slammed on the breaks. “It looked like a bird. What is it doing out here in this snowstorm? I almost hit it!” It was a dark and snowy late December eve, and the Starre family was on their …
You Can Heal Our Divided Nation By Doing One Thing
Do you have conversations with friends and wonder where they get their "crazy" political ideas? Do you wonder why he or she isn't interested in your facts? Do they seem to be living in an alternate reality? Read on to find out one simple thing you can do to heal this divide. A Story of Strong Feelings and Opposing …
The Door of Fear or Love
Do you exercise your choice to respond with fear or love when you are faced with a difficult situation? Do you know you even have a choice? We all do. Believe it or not, you have the power to walk through the door of love in every situation you encounter. Here is a story that will help you recognize …
God in Form: Exploring Oneness
Do you ever have one of those "A-hah moments"? When things are so clear to you, you wonder why you didn't see it before? I want to share mine with you. Read on for a story about when I felt true “oneness.” My Morning with the Birds I started my daily reading ritual with my hot cup of tea, …
Who Will Our Next President Be?: Meditate on It
Christian and Eastern teaching both share the wisdom of the importance of our thoughts. Buddha says, “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.” When faced with the turmoil and confusion of today’s world, it is clear that now is …
Are You Dealing with Despair?: Meditation is the Answer
Are you experiencing sadness or feelings of despair? What is the cause? Are you in an abusive situation, or are you regularly exposed to violence on social media? You don't need to feel this way, and in fact, it's an unhealthy way to exist. Amid a pandemic, frequent exposure to violence, and lies on the TV and social media, …
Finding Peace Within the Storm of Addiction
Do you love someone who is an addict? Does it tear you apart? Have you wondered why he or she chose such self-destructive behavior? Is addiction a choice, or is it an illness? Or perhaps, is it a combination of both? One June morning, I found the answers to my burning questions. Read on to discover how I reframed …
Prayers and the Heart Self
Did you ever pray for something, and it just appeared in front of you like magic? Did you then pray for something else, and it never materialized? Do you wonder what the difference was? Why would God listen once and then not again? I have also puzzled through these questions. I have tried countless ways to discover how I …
Connections Beyond the Grave?
Have you lost someone you love and just wonder if they are ok? Do you question the existence of the soul after death? Do you fear it could just be “lights out” and that’s it? Often, when something unbelievable or unexpected happens, people call it a coincidence. But what would happen if you accepted that these signs were …