The old must go for the new to begin. It is an elementary law of the universe; we know it instinctively and see it everywhere. Babies stop crawling when they start to walk. A caterpillar must transform to become a beautiful butterfly.
Old habits must leave for new practices to begin. Old beliefs must go too, for a new belief and a new reality to appear.
Not long ago, society believed women were too delicate to understand politics or even read the newspaper! Men thought they had to risk their lives in duels over the honor of their sisters. These beliefs were real; lives were ruled and ruined by them. Those beliefs, as important as they were then, seem ridiculous now.
Did you ever think about how societal beliefs change? There is always someone, somewhere, who envisions a new future. They believe that things can be different.
Is there something in your life now that you wish you could change? Something that bothers you and doesn’t feel right? Do you think you can change it by changing your belief about it? You probably don’t , but is your desire for change enough to tempt you to try?
The challenge:
Pick one small thing, and do a mind experiment.
For example, maybe you always hit the red lights on your way to work. Can you change your luck to go through the green lights?
The process of changing your beliefs:
Instead of cursing every red light you hit, celebrate every green light. Pay a LOT of attention to all the green lights that you go through. “Wow! I made that green light!” The more thought you give the green lights or your desired goals, the more you will see. It is a simple law of the universe.
The results:
Soon you will be counting all the green lights you catch in a row!
Once you find success with changing this one small belief, new hope for your future is born. You’ll start to realize that you can green light your future and create the success you desire.
Successful lawyers go into court prepared, believing they will win. Successful salespeople approach clients knowing that they can serve their needs and believe that they can make the sale.
Beliefs are simply thoughts that we repeat, and YOU are in charge of your thoughts—no one else.
Wayne Dyer so famously said,
You’ll see it when you believe it.
Believe it! Your life is yours to create!
Love and blessings to all,
Rev. Kathi