Intentional Prayers
What Are Intentional Prayers?
Millions of people all over the world have prayed for world peace for generations. And yet, we seem to be in more trouble than ever. Do you wonder why? Are you open to the possibility that there is a better way to pray?
Incorporate Religious Teachings with Scientific Discoveries
Whether you are a person of faith, or a person of Science, or both, intentional prayers have been proven to be effective.
Christ teaches us how to pray. “Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you have received it, and it will be done for you” (Mark 11:24).
As Lynn McTaggart indicates in her book, The Intention Experiment, scientific studies confirm that when you believe, you will receive.
McTaggart says that to enhance the effects of setting an intention, you must have specific aims or goals that you should visualize as if they have already happened. She asserts that you must be in a state of hyper-awareness for your intentions to be effective.
This hyper-awareness that she refers to is a connection to the Heart Self.

The Prayers

This prayer is designed to apply Jesus’ teachings on prayer and the power of collective prayer in a very practical way. Joined together with the love of Christ, we focus our prayers on the specific goals of global health, harmony, and social justice.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
– Mark 11:24
The Prayer
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
It has been said that when we change the way we look at the world, the world we look at changes.
Welcome to this Christian meditation on the power of God’s love.
Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. As you inhale, imagine the air you are breathing as the life force of the Holy Spirit, filling your heart with a bright light. As you exhale, feel this light spread through every cell of your body, every molecule, and every atom. Feel your body and soul become infused, become one with the divine creative energy of God. Christ’s prayer now becomes realized that we are all One in the Father. Let this awareness deepen with each breath.
United in prayer and faith in the Holy Spirit, I now recognize the intimate and loving presence of Christ as the very essence of my being. This intimacy allows me to look at our world, the “new earth,” through Christ’s eyes. Through these eyes of love, I see the Divine in all creation.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
As stated in the gospel of Mark, 11:24, “Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it and it will be done for you.” I believe that it is God’s desire for us to live in a peaceful and healthy world. With full faith and confidence in God, the Source of all love, I join my prayer partners and ask for a world of compassionate and loving leaders. I believe we are now receiving those leaders who are willing to be guided by divine wisdom and compassion. In Jesus’ name, they are now rising…rising to respond to God’s love, to our love. Thus, jointly, our love transforms the world.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
I pray for the loving presence of Christ to strengthen me and my prayer partners. We have chosen to promote love and compassion on both personal and planetary levels. In the body of Christ, we are unified as one enormous force of love, wisdom and compassion.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Joined with Christ, we acknowledge that all the leaders of the world are also one in the Father, as the Father is one with them. We envision the love of Christ as a beam of light, and we see that love entering their willing hearts. As one with the Divine, their hearts, minds and souls are now opened vessels, filled with divine wisdom, love and compassion for all humanity and every sentient being. In faith and thanksgiving, we see that our leaders are creating a peaceful, just society and healthy world. All is in divine order.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
We know that the world’s economic leaders, whose decisions influence our environment and our future, are unified within the Sacred Heart of Christ. We see the Holy Spirit enter and energize their willing hearts with the gifts of wisdom, love and compassion. In faith and thanksgiving, we know that our business leaders are now guided…guided to make decisions that that are aligned with the divine creation. Their actions now ensure a world of pure water and vibrant nutrients to sustain God’s holy creation. All is well.
Praise God from whom all blessing flow
Thank you God, for the faith and knowledge that your love is manifest here on earth as it is in heaven. With full faith we know that as we believe, we now receive your gift of a blessed earth.
For all of this, God, we say thank you.
Thank you for your presence and love.
Thank you for all your countless blessings.
In Jesus’ name in Jesus’ name, Amen

This prayer is designed to apply Jesus’ teachings on prayer and the power of collective prayer in a very practical way. Joined together with the love of Christ, we focus our prayers on the specific goals of global health, harmony, and social justice.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
– Mark 11:24
The Prayer
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
It has been said that when we change the way we look at the world, — the world we look at changes.
Welcome to this Catholic meditation on the power of God’s love.
Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. As you inhale, imagine the air you are breathing as the life force of the Holy Spirit, filling your heart with a bright light. As you exhale, feel this light spread through every cell of your body, every molecule, and every atom. Feel your body and soul become infused, become one with the divine creative energy of God. Christ’s prayer now becomes realized: that we are all One in the Father. Let this awareness deepen with each breath.
United in prayer and faith in the Holy Spirit, I now recognize the intimate and loving presence of Christ as the very essence of my being. This intimacy allows me to look at our world, the “new earth,” through Christ’s eyes. Through these eyes of love, I see the Divine in all creation.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
As stated in the gospel of Mark, 11:24, “Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it and it will be done for you.” I believe that it is God’s desire for us to live in a peaceful and healthy world. With full faith and confidence in God, the Source of all love, I join my prayer partners and ask for a world of compassionate and loving leaders. I believe we are now receiving those leaders who are willing to be guided by divine wisdom and compassion. In Jesus’ name, they are now rising…rising to respond to God’s love, to our love, thus, jointly, our love transforms the world.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
I pray for the loving presence of Christ to strengthen me and my prayer partners. We have chosen to promote love and compassion on both personal and planetary levels.
In the body of Christ, we are unified as one enormous force of love, wisdom and compassion.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Joined with Christ, we acknowledge that all the leaders of the world are also one in the Father, as the Father is one with them. We envision the love of Christ as a beam of light and we see that love entering their willing hearts. As one with the divine, their hearts, minds and souls are now opened vessels, filled with divine wisdom, love and compassion for all humanity and every sentient being. In faith and thanksgiving, we see that our leaders are creating a peaceful, just society and healthy world. All is in divine order.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
We know that the world’s economic leaders, whose decisions influence our environment and our future, are unified within the Sacred Heart of Christ. We see the Holy Spirit enter and energize their willing hearts with the gifts of wisdom, love and compassion. In faith and thanksgiving, we know that our business leaders are now guided…guided to make decisions that that are aligned with the divine creation. Their actions now ensure a world of pure water, clean air, and vibrant nutrients to sustain God’s holy creation. All is well.
Praise God from whom all blessing flow
Thank you God, for the faith and knowledge that your love is manifest here on earth as it is in heaven. With full faith we know that as we believe, we now receive your gift of a blessed earth.
For all of this, God, we say thank you.
Thank you for your presence and love.
Thank you for all your countless blessings.
In Jesus’ name in Jesus’ name, Amen

The prayers are designed to apply our knowledge of Consciousness and the Unified Field Theory in a very practical way. They help us join together globally with focused prayers and intentions that identify specific goals of global health, harmony and social justice.
“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.”
– Earnest Holmes
The Prayer
Let faith and hope with love arise
Let beauty, truth and good be sung
In every land, in every tongue
Buddha said: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”
Welcome to this Interfaith meditation. We choose to focus our thoughts on a world of compassionate and loving leaders. Through our prayers, those leaders who are willing to be guided by divine wisdom and compassion are now rising…rising to respond to God’s love, to our love. Thus, jointly, our love transforms the world.
As stated in the Gospel of Mark, 11:24 “Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it and it will be done for you.”
Knowing that as we believe, we receive, we now choose the thoughts that allow us to believe in a world of peace, social justice, and sustainability.
Let faith and hope with love arise
Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. As you inhale, imagine the air you are breathing as the life force of Spirit, Spirit filling your heart with a bright light. As you exhale, feel this divine spark spread through every cell of your body, every molecule, and every atom. Feel your body and soul become infused, become one with the creative energy of the Divine. You are at home.
Allow this awareness to deepen with each breath.
Let faith and hope with love arise.
Joined by an interconnected web, we pray for the loving presence of the Divine to strengthen ourselves, and our companions who choose to promote love and compassion on both personal and planetary levels.
We join our voices and our Spirit with those who are filled with faith in their own empowerment through the divine grace of God.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung.
We acknowledge that all the leaders and lawmakers of the world are also one with God, and God is one with them. We envision Divine Consciousness as a beam of light, we see that light entering their willing hearts, filling each one with love and compassion for all humanity and every sentient being.
In faith and thanksgiving, we see our leaders unified by this force of wisdom and love. We know that they are now using their authority to create a peaceful, healthy world, and a just society.
All is well.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung.
We know that all the economic leaders of the world, whose decisions influence our environment and our future, are also unified with God.
We envision divine light entering and energizing their willing hearts. As one in Spirit, their hearts, minds and souls are now opened vessels, filled with divine wisdom, love and compassion for all humanity and every sentient being.
In faith and thanksgiving, we know that these business leaders are now guided to make decisions that that are aligned with the divine creation,their actions now ensure a world of pure water, clean air and vibrant nutrients that sustain all life.
All is well.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung.
Thank you God, for the faith and knowledge that our prayers and intentions manifest the creation of heaven on earth and may “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
For all of this, God, we say thank you.
Thank you for your presence and love.
Thank you for all your countless blessings. Amen
From all that dwell below the skies
Let faith and hope with love arise
Let beauty, truth and good be sung
In every land, in every tongue

The prayers are designed to apply our knowledge of Consciousness and the Unified Field Theory in a very practical way. They help us join together globally with focused prayers and intentions that identify specific goals of global health, harmony and social justice.
“Yesterday, I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
– Rumi
The Prayer
We pray for ourselves and our companions who have chosen to promote love and compassion on personal and planetary levels. We know that this ever-increasing voice of humanity is filled with faith in it’s own empowerment through the divine grace of God.
Ya Rahim! Rahim Allah
We see the divine light entering all hearts,
Ya Nur! Nur un Allah Nur! Nur un Anwar Nur un Allah Nur Ya Nur Allah
Strengthening and unifying us as one enormous force of love, wisdom and compassion.
Ya Wadud! Ya Alim! O all Loving! O all Knowing God!
We know that all the leaders and lawmakers of the world are one with Allah, Allah is One and Allah is One with them.
Ya Wahid! The Only One!
We envision divine consciousness as a ball of light, and see that light entering their hearts, filling each one with love for all humanity and every sentient being.
Ya Wali! Ya Wali!
We see the energy of this love empowering them as it fills each heart and mind with the wisdom and strength to express this compassion and love.
Ya Barr! O perfection of unconditional love.
In faith and thanksgiving, we see our leaders unified by this force of wisdom and love and know that they are now creating a peaceful, healthy world and all is in divine order.
Ya Salaam! Ya Salaam! Ya Salaam!
We know that all the corporate leaders of the world, whose decisions influence our environment and our future, are unified with God. We see the divine light of God entering and energizing their hearts with the gifts of wisdom, love and compassion.
Ya Hakim! Ya Rauf! O Essence of all wisdom and compassion
In faith and thanksgiving we know that all business leaders are guided to make decisions that that are aligned with the Divine Creation. That of pure water, clean air and vibrant nutrients to sustain our bodies.
Ya Malik al Mulk! All of creation is held in your hands
All of their decisions are guided to support the health of the organism we call planet earth and all components of that environment, including humanity.
Ya Hadi! You who Guide and instill the right direction!
Ya Rashid! Guide of Humanity!
Thank you Allah, for the faith and knowledge that through your grace, our prayers and intentions manifest the creation of heaven on earth and may “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Ya Qadir! Ya Muqtadir! O Actualizer of Divine Purpose!
My special intention is:
For all of this, Allah, we say thank you.
Thank you for your presence and love.
Thank you for all your countless blessings.
Shukran Allah! Abudant gratitude and praise are forever Yours!
Alhamdullilah Alhamdullilah Alhamdullilah ir Rabbil Aleymin!

The prayers are designed to apply our knowledge of Consciousness and the Unified Field Theory in a very practical way. They help us join together globally with focused prayers and intentions that identify specific goals of global health, harmony and social justice.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
– Mark 11:24
The Prayer
From all that dwell below the skies
Let faith and hope with love arise
Let beauty, truth and good be sung
In every land, in every tongue
Buddha said: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”
Welcome to this Unitarian meditation. We choose to focus our thoughts on a world of compassionate and loving leaders. Through our prayers, those leaders who are willing to be guided by divine wisdom and compassion are now rising…rising to respond to God’s love, to our love. Thus, jointly, our love transforms the world.
As stated in the Gospel of Mark, 11:24 “Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it and it will be done for you.”
Knowing that as we believe, we receive, we now choose the thoughts that allow us to believe in a world of peace, social justice, and sustainability.
Let faith and hope with love arise
Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. As you inhale, imagine the air you are breathing as the life force of Spirit, Spirit filling your heart with a bright light. As you exhale, feel this Divine Spark spread through every cell of your body, every molecule, and every atom. Feel your body and soul become infused, become one with the creative energy of the Divine. You are at home.
Allow this awareness to deepen with each breath.
Let faith and hope with love arise.
Joined by an interconnected web, we pray for the loving presence of the Divine to strengthen ourselves, and our companions who choose to promote love and compassion on both personal and planetary levels.
We join our voices and our Spirit with those who are filled with faith in their own empowerment through the divine grace of God.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung.
We acknowledge that all the leaders and lawmakers of the world are also one with God, and God is one with them. We envision Divine Consciousness as a beam of light, we see that light entering their willing hearts, filling each one with love and compassion for all humanity and every sentient being.
In faith and thanksgiving, we see our leaders unified by this force of wisdom and love. We know that they are now using their authority to create a peaceful, healthy world and a just society.
All is well.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung.
We know that all the economic leaders of the world, whose decisions influence our environment and our future, are also unified with God.
We envision divine light entering and energizing their willing hearts. As one in Spirit, their hearts, minds and souls are now opened vessels, filled with divine wisdom, love and compassion for all humanity and every sentient being.
In faith and thanksgiving, we know that these business leaders are now guided to make decisions that that are aligned with the divine creation,
their actions now ensure a world of pure water, clean air and vibrant nutrients that sustain all life.
All is well.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung.
Thank you God, for the faith and knowledge that our prayers and intentions manifest the creation of heaven on earth, and may “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
For all of this, God, we say thank you.
Thank you for your presence and love.
Thank you for all your countless Blessings. Amen
From all that dwell below the skies
Let faith and hope with love arise
Let beauty, truth and good be sung
In every land, in every tongue

The prayers are designed to apply our knowledge of Consciousness and the Unified Field Theory in a very practical way. They help us join together globally with focused prayers and intentions that identify specific goals of global health, harmony and social justice.
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”
– Buddha
The Prayer
It has been said that when we change the way we look at the world, the world we look at changes.
Welcome to the Buddhist meditation, designed to enhance the way we look at the world. Our creative energy gives us the ability to experience what we focus on. We now use this time to focus on a world of compassionate and loving leaders. Those leaders who are willing are now responding to our love. Thus jointly we transform our world.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. As you inhale, imagine the air as a beautiful light. Let it permeate your body. As you exhale, feel it spread light and life energy through every cell, every molecule, every atom.
Buddha said: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” The following thoughts of love are the ones we now choose to make our world.
Om Mani Padme Hum
May love and purity permeate all being and manifest itself in all that is seen and unseen. May I live my life with love and compassion.
Om Mani Padme Hum
May all my prayer companions receive blessings. We choose to promote love and compassion on both personal and planetary levels. May we be filled with faith and wisdom. May we see light and love entering all hearts. May this love strengthen and unify all with wisdom and compassion. May all be well.
Om Mani Padme Hum
May the hearts of all the leaders and lawmakers of the world blossom with love. May this love spread to all humanity and every sentient being. May this love empower them with the strength to express compassion in all their actions. May our leaders unite with this force of wisdom and love. May they now create a peaceful, healthy world. May all be well.
Om Mani Padme Hum
May the hearts of the corporate leaders of the world blossom with love. May this love and wisdom be reflected by their decisions that influence our environment and our future. May their actions be born from compassion for all sentient beings. May all of our business leaders be guided to make decisions that are aligned with creation: pure water, clean air and vibrant nutrients to sustain our bodies. May all be well.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Let Us Unite Our Spirits for Global Change

Intentional prayers can unite our Spirits and help us feel the energy of a world filled with compassion and loving leaders as if it is already present. This, and expressed gratitude, are critical components of this type of prayer.
The most dangerous thing we can do during a time of political turmoil and global sickness is to give up hope. We must act with a consciousness that brings about the change we want. We must believe that it is possible.
Advice for Effective Practice of Intentional Prayers
- To feel the full energy and power of an intention, one must believe you have already received it. This component is crucial to success. These prayers are designed precisely to visualize the love of God entering all hearts NOW.
- These teachings require the integration of our consciousness with the Heart Self. The prayers are designed to help you connect with your Heart Self. Allow your integrated self to participate in reality as it is already happening.
- For your prayers to be most effective, don’t entertain thoughts that contradict your vision. It is self-subterfuge. Abraham Hicks says, “You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are—but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are.” Don’t allow the “reality” of what is happening now to prove that you can’t be where you want to go.
What Else Can I Do In Addition to Praying?
These prayers help connect you to your Heart Self. Let your true self guide you to take the physical actions required to create the world you want.
Actions are powerful. Actions taken with a conviction of having achieved the stated intentions are even more powerful.
“As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time, you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience.” -Abraham Hicks