God is everywhere.
God is love.
How many times have you heard this teaching? It’s been a basic teaching of world religions for thousands of years, and yet, I wonder, do we actually believe it? Feel it? Know it?
God was always so abstract to me when I was growing up. In my Catholic upbringing, I was taught that we were supposed to love God. My adolescent mind would ask, “Where, what is this “God” that I am supposed to love?”
Then, early in my meditation life, I had an experience.
It happened in my tiny apartment. Imagine a 6X6 “dress in” bathroom, a 6X6 “eat-in” kitchen and a 12×12 “sleep in” living room. No TV. No radio.
I loved my window full of plants, my 50- gallon fish tank with breeding African Cichlids, and the large cushy meditation chair that I used twice daily. It was here, listening to the sound of the bubbling fish tank, that I had my first experience of God. I felt love so profound that I cried with joy. I felt love so profound that I felt love for every single person on earth. I felt the love of God, and through this experience, I knew God.
Have you had that kind of experience? Love so profound it was overwhelming? Perhaps at the birth of your child? Or just simply holding hands and gazing into someone’s eyes?
Yes, there is pain, aggression, and war in the world. What can you do about it? Gandhi said to “be the change” you want to see.
Do you want to see love? Do you want to see peace in the world?
Your Thoughts Can Change the World
Be the love, be the peace. How does one do this? I believe that you can do this with your mind and your heart.
Now is the time to hold on to that profound love you have felt in the past. Now is the time to give your attention, even for five minutes a day, to sit and remember, feel with all your heart, and relive the deep love you experienced. Appreciate and savor this love daily.
I propose that with this small practice, simply reliving the profound love that we have experienced, allows us to be the LOVE we want to see in the world.
Let that vibration of love be the change.